How do I apply a Cyclers Plus promo code?

Cyclers Plus promo code allows you to unlock Cyclers Plus features. The time period for which the Cyclers Plus features will unlock depends on the specific promo code. 

Follow the instructions below to apply your Cyclers Plus promo code in the app.


  1. Open your “Profile” by tapping on your profile picture displayed in the upper right corner of the map on the Map tab.
  2. Tap on the “I have a Cyclers Plus promocode” menu item.
  3. Enter your promocode and tap Confirm.


  1. Open your “Profile” by tapping on your profile picture displayed in the upper left corner of the map on the Map tab.
  2. Tap the “Get Cyclers Plus” menu item.
  3. Tap on the “Show more options” link at the bottom.
  4. Tap on the “Apply promo code” button.
  5. Enter your promocode and tap Confirm.