How can I import a GPX file into Cyclers?

Open in the route planner and navigation

If you have a GPX file with the GPS route you wish to ride you can open it in the route planner, adapt the route to your preferences and use it for navigation afterwards.


  1. Open the GPX file by clicking on the file on the mobile and selecting Cyclers app to open it. Alternatively, go to the My Profile screen and select the GPX import.
  2. Choose Open in route planner button
  3. Edit the route by clicking on the gear wheel icon or the button with the pencil icon
  4. Hit Navigate if you want to start the ride immediately or save it for later using the button with the bookmark icon


Currently not supported


Currently not supported

Import and save as recorded ride

If you have recorded your ride on an external device, exported it to the GPX file and want to save it with your other rides in Cyclers.


  1. Open the GPX file by clicking on the file on the mobile and selecting Cyclers app to open it. Alternatively, go to the My Profile screen and select the GPX import.
  2. Choose Save as recorded ride button

  3. Edit the ride details, e.g. name or type of bike and tap on Save button
  4. The ride is now saved with the resort of your rides and you can find it on the tab Record


Currently not supported


  1. Go to the website and log into your account
  2. Drag and drop or choose the GPX files you wish to import from your computer
  3. Edit the bike type and click on Upload button
  4. The ride is now saved with the rest of your rides and you can find it in the Cyclers mobile app on the tab Record